Kenyan girls who code: Mentors spur African tech innovations

03 October 2016
By: Anthony Irungu

Nomonde is from the Tembisa township outside of Johannesburg, where she lives with her mother, Phumzile, an unemployed single parent, her grandmother and her siblings. The family is dependent on her grandmother’s pension and a child support grant to make ends meet...

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Apple CEO Tim Cook: 'Education is a great equalizing force'

22 Jan 2018
By: Zameena Mejia

Nomonde is from the Tembisa township outside of Johannesburg, where she lives with her mother, Phumzile, an unemployed single parent, her grandmother and her siblings. The family is dependent on her grandmother’s pension and a child support grant to make ends meet...

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In South Africa, Techno Girl opens doors in science and technology

11 October 2016
By: Cleopatra Okumu & Sudeshan Reddy

Nomonde is from the Tembisa township outside of Johannesburg, where she lives with her mother, Phumzile, an unemployed single parent, her grandmother and her siblings. The family is dependent on her grandmother’s pension and a child support grant to make ends meet...

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Obama Foundation Launches Global Girls' Education Initiative

12 October 2018

The Chicago-based Obama Foundation has announced a new initiative to empower adolescent girls around the world through education. Announced on the International Day of the Girl, the Global Girls Alliance aims to advance the efforts of organizations and individuals working to help the more than ninety-eight million adolescent girls globally who are not in school...

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Girls, If You Want To Change The World*, Try STEM

10 September 2018
By: Talia Milgrom-Elcott

It’s common knowledge that STEM fields have historically been dominated by men. Women have made critical gains to increase their representation in recent decades—but we’re far from parity. There are a host of reasons: pernicious stereotypes that women aren’t good at math or science; structural impediments that make it hard for women to advance...

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A nonprofit is trying to close the gender gap in tech by teaching girls to code 'as young as we possibly can'

29 September 2018
By: Erin Barry

Whether you're looking for a job, or looking to hire – computer expertise is the most in-demand skill in the American job market. The computing industry's rate of job growth is three times the U.S. national average, according to statistics, and yet women are being left behind....

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Top 10 philanthropic foundations: A primer

01 August 2011
By: Noel Salazar

For many years now, private foundations have been muscling their way to the global development table - and they’re getting stronger. In fact, private foundations are playing an increasingly prominent role both in the scale of their giving and in their ability to set the agenda in international development.

While major private foundations have for many years supported charitable causes at home, their philanthropy is increasingly crossing borders, with the developing world receiving a larger share of total giving...

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